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giovedì 5 giugno 2014

Corso di Canto Gregoriano a Venezia e Cremona a luglio 2014

XXXV Corso Internazionale di Canto Gregoriano organizzato dall'A.I.S.C.Gre. - sez. italiana, che si svolgerà a Venezia e a Cremona rispettivamente nei seguenti periodi:
21 - 26 luglio 2014
2 - 5 gennaio 2015 

Tra le novità di quest'anno va segnalato il Corso di Liturgia.

Associazione Internazionale Studi di Canto Gregoriano.- sez. italiana:Oreste Schiaffino - segretario

2 commenti:

  1. June 5, 2014
    Archbishop Lefebvre's book Against the Heresies is heretical?
    The SSPX's Angelus Press is publishing another book with a factual error. Against the Heresies contains statements by Archbishop Lefebvre which indicate he assumed that the baptism of desire was an explicit exception to the literal interpretation of the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus.Unaware of the Cushingite mistake, he then interpreted Nostra Aetate 2 as referring to explicit cases, which are an exception to all needing to convert into the Church to avoid Hell.

    The Angelus Press has also published Is Feenyism Catholic by Francois Laisney with the same error. It is inferred that the baptism of desire is relevant to the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus.Why is it relevant? As usual they were following the lead given by Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre.He thought that these cases were visible in the flesh.So they had to be exceptions to Fr. Leonard Feeney.

    Fr.Francois Laisney cites Tradition in which the baptism of desire is mentioned.Yet none of the sources he quotes states that the baptism of desire is visible to us or an exception to the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus. It is Fr.Laisney who infers that these cases are explicit in the present times.

    Recently in the Letter to Friends and Benefactors Bishop Bernard Fellay, the Suprior General of the Society of St. Pius X assumed that Nostra Aetate etc were exceptions to the traditional teaching.He was following the error of Archbishop Lefebvre on extra ecclesiam nulla salus.


  2. Did Pope Pius XII make a mistake ?

    Did Pope Pius XII make a mistake ? : implicit desire, invincible ignorance have nothing to do with extra ecclesiam nulla salus
