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sabato 21 novembre 2020

Un ricordo di Michael Davies - Remembering Michael Davies. Sabato 21 novembre ore 21 in streaming

In ricordo del grande liturgista Michael Davies una conferenza streaming in inglese, stasera alle ore 21.
QUI il link.
QUI MiL su Davies.

In this livestreaming program on November 21 at 9pm CET (3 pm EST), we will talk of a book by Aurelio Porfiri, “A future in tradition. Remembering Michael Davies.” Davies was an important part in the development of what has been called the "traditionalist movement," which, without any need to idealize it or consider it problem-free, nevertheless has many legitimate reasons for the stand it takes. The situation of the Church is very harrowing and can no longer be hidden or denied. Those that adhere to the traditionalist wing are people that cannot stand anymore the despairing state of the liturgy, the uncertainty in doctrine, the loss of identity in the Church herself. This is why traditionalists have to be taken very seriously, because they help to diagnose, and indeed to treat, a disease that is certainly present. 

Joining the author Aurelio Porfiri will be the scholars Peter Kwasniewski, Joseph Shaw, Jules Gomes, Rev. Thomas Kocik, and Rev. Tim Finigan.