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Magister. "Francesco ha demolito il collegio dei cardinali, ma c’è un nuovo sito web che vuole porvi rimedio"

Grazie a Sandro Magister per questa notizia, già riportata da MiL QUI . Monday Vatican – Andrea Gagliarducci : " Papa Francesco e le s...

sabato 28 gennaio 2023

The Pope denies intervening to “absolve” Fr Rupnik of excommunication. Who would it have been then? Santa Claus? #rupnik

Qui Diane Montagna, che ringraziamo per la stima che ci accorda, ha gentilmente tradotto il
nostro post in cui  avevamo provato a ragionare su chi potesse essere stato (se non il Papa, come ha negato di aver fatto) a rimettere la scomunica latae sententiae a Rupnik (confermata a maggio 2020 con decreto della CDF, firmato dal Prefetto Card. Ladaria al termine di regolare processo incardinato a seguito di denuncia n. 685/2019). I casi sono tre: o il Papa (che allora ha dovuto mentire per esigenze "diplomatiche", o lo stesso Card. Ladaria o, last but not least, Babbo Natale. 
E il Card. Ladaria ci sembra quello meno probabile...
Qui i nostri post sul caso Rupnik (che sta assumendo tratti di vergonoso  scandalo mai visti prima!)

INCREDIBLE: The Pope denies intervening to “absolve” Fr Rupnik of excommunication. Who would it have been then? Santa Claus? #rupnik

We’re speechless.

In an interview with Nicole Winfield (of the Associate Press, on Jan 24, 2023 but released today, Jan 25, 2023, at 2:00 pm) the Pope states something incredible: that he knew nothing about either the abuse that Fr Rupnik allegedly committed, or the canonical process (which led to him being condemned by the Holy See with a sentence now res judicata), nor even less about the excommunication latae sententiae, which was confirmed to Fr Rupnik in May 2020 but then remitted. Concerning the latter, Francis denies having intervened to have it remitted and has also denied any involvement or intervention on Fr Rupnik’s behalf.

Just a few hours ago we provided evidence of the decree of condemnation (May 2020) which, following a complaint registered under protocol number 685/2019, confirmed the excommunication latae sententiae (for absolving an accomplice in a sin against the sixth commandment) and was signed by CDF Prefect Cardinal Luis Ladaria, SJ and CDF adjunct secretary Archbishop Augustine Di Noia, OP.

The Pope’s statements made us jump out of our seats because they lead to only two hypotheses: either the Pope is lying diplomatically because this is what was suggested to him in order to emerge squeaky clean from a scandalous affair that is heavily muddying the tail end of his pontificate (but a pope who lies is deplorable: he would have done better to maintain silence), or he really knew nothing about it (and this would still be very serious because it would mean that the CDF is not working and has taken wrong initiatives).

If (although not too convincing) we take these statements to be true, it can reasonably be argued:

- That given the remission of excommunication latae sententiae of a confessor who absolves an accomplice in a sin against the sixth commandment is referred to the Apostolic See (can. 1378 § 1 CIC),

- That given the Supreme Authority of the Apostolic See is the Pope,

- That given the Pope declared and stated that he did not intervene to remit the sentence (and therefore did not remit it directly) and knew nothing about it,

= it follows that the one to remit it must necessarily have been the only Authority delegated to do so by explicit mandate of the Sovereign Pontiff: the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith (as enshrined in Art. 4, § 1, no. 1 of the Norms regarding delicts reserved to the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, regarding—among others— delicts against the sanctity of the Sacrament of Penance).

Therefore: the only one who could have remitted Rupnik’s excommunication (if it wasn’t the Pope, as he says), is the same authority (the CDF) that, however, had just finished condemning him.

In short, the CDF (in which an ad hoc Commission had been created for the crimes of sexual abuse committed by clerics) allegedly tried Rupnik without the Pope’s knowledge, condemned him by confirming the excommunication (without the Pope’s knowledge), and shortly afterward (again without the Pope’s knowledge) “pardoned” him by remitting the excommunication which had been confirmed just a few days earlier...

If that were the case, then poor Cardinal Ladaria should resign for schizophrenia.

But we do not believe that this was the case; on the contrary, we know from reliable sources that the Pope was the director of this whole scandalous and sordid affair.

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