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Elenchi dei Vescovi (e non solo) pro e contro Fiducia Supplicans #fiduciasupplicans #fernández

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giovedì 14 ottobre 2021

"Liturgical movement between two centuries" venerdì 15 ottobre ore 21 in streaming

Riceviamo e pubblichiamo.

In his allocution for the Assisi Liturgical Congress on 1956, pope Pius XII, among other things, has said: “The liturgical movement is thus shown forth as a sign of the providential dispositions of God for the present time, of the movement of the Holy Ghost in the Church, to draw men more closely to the mysteries of the faith and the riches of grace which flow from the active participation of the faithful in the liturgical life.”

But how we evaluate today the liturgical movement?
With host, musician and author Mº Aurelio Porfiri will debate about this topic fr. Thomas M. Kocik, author of “Singing His Song. A Short Introduction to the Liturgical Movement”, fr. James Jackson FSSP, author of “Nothing Superfluous. An Explanation of the Symbolism of the Rite of St. Gregory the Great”, fr. Paul Gunter OSB, professor at the Pontifical Liturgical Institute of Rome and Chris Carstens, Editor of “Adoremus”.

The program will be streamed on numerous social media channels, including the You Tube channel RITORNO A ITACA, the Facebook fanpage of AURELIO PORFIRI and on Aurelio Porfiri’s TWITTER account.